On the fourth Data Protection Day the Council of Europe issued a communication highlighting the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Strasbourg, 28.I.1981).
Europeans' privacy will be big challenge in the next decade, said Commissioner Viviane Reding for the European Union in an informative press release, which set out both the existing rules (with useful links) and the challenges ahead (IP/10/63).
However, Reding did not mention specific dark clouds on the horizon, such as the SWIFT agreement, the ACTA negotiations or the possible resurrection of IPRED2.
Just one example, for starters; here are some questions where the Council and the Commission should respond in a more constructive manner than what we have seen to date:
MEP Alexander Alvaro (ALDE) on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
Citizens’ rights should be remembered and protected every day of the year.
Ralf Grahn
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