Into this blog post I have corralled materials from the EU Commission on the eGovernment Action Plan, much of it available in 22 official languages of the European Union.
The European eGovernment Action Plan has now been posted in 22 language versions on the EU's legal portal Eur-Lex.
Here is a link to the English version of the communication from the Commission:
The European eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015: Harnessing ICT to promote smart, sustainable & innovative Government; Brussels 15.12.2010, COM(2010) 743 final (15 pages)
Detailed study SEC(2010) 1539
Those who are interested in the background and more details can access:
The Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the communication The European eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015: Harnessing ICT to promote smart, sustainable & innovative Governmen; Brussels 15.12.2010, SEC(2010) 1539 final (55 pages)
Neelie Kroes speech
At the 'Lift off towards open government' conference in Brussels 15 December 2010, Commission vice-president Neelie Kroes, responsible for the Digital Agenda, presented her view in a speech titled 'My vision for eGovernment, and how to make it real' (SPEECH/10/752; only in English).
Press release overviews
The Commission has published both traditional press releases for those who want an overview as well as an outlines of the background (FAQs):
Digital Agenda: eGovernment Action Plan to smooth access to public services across the EU;
Brussels 15 December 2010, IP/10/1718 (in 22 languages)
Digital Agenda: pilot projects show the way in easy access to online public services across the EU; Brussels 15th December 2010, MEMO/10/680 (only in English)
Digital Agenda: eGovernment Action Plan - what would it do for me? Brussels 15 December 2010, MEMO/10/681 (only in English)
Towards interoperability for European public services; Brussels 16 December 2010, IP/10/1734 (available in 22 languages)
Commission adopts Interoperability Strategy and Framework for public services - frequently asked questions; Brussels 16 December 2010, MEMO/10/689 (the FAQs available only in English)
Two key concepts are the European Interoperability Strategy (EIS) and the European Interoperability Framework (EIF).
Ralf Grahn
P.S. The exotically named Mökkikunta blog covers environmental, transportation, urban and regional planning, economic and social issues with a focus on Finland and Portugal. Who succeeds in telling us what ”Mökkikunta” means?
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