After the latest Roundup of Digital Agenda for Europe entry I started to look at the Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2011 in Finnish (here and here).
The corrected version of the Digital Agenda communication:
A Digital Agenda for Europe; Brussels, 26.8.2010 COM(2010) 245 final/2 (41 pages)
Rapid portal down
For some reason the 31 May 2011 press release IP/11/663 (in 22 languages) and the accompanying memorandum MEMO/11/361 (in English only) with scoreboard information in a nutshell, as well as the Europa Rapid portal in general, have been inaccessible during the last two days, so interested readers are encouraged to try later.
EU Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2011
Luckily, the web portal of the Europe 2020 (EU2020) flagship initiative A Digital Agenda for Europe is in working order, and we can access the web pages dedicated to the EU Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2011.
There are links to the report, the progress of individual actions, country profiles, progress by pillar, graphs and open data.
We turn to the main report.
SEC(2011) 708
The Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2011 report seems to be available only in English, but since I was unable to find it on Eur-Lex, there was no bibliographic notice to check:
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING PAPER: Digital Agenda Scoreboard; Brussels, 31.5.2011 SEC(2011) 708 (18 pages)
Brownie points
The communication is a blueprint for seven pillars (policy areas) and 101 actions, but the first annual scoreboard records progress mainly with regard to the actions planned for May 2010 to May 2011.
Brownie points for helpful links to relevant web pages throughout the scoreboard report.
The scoreboard report also measures progress towards the key performance targets (from page 11).
More detailed information is available through the Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2011 web pages.
Ralf Grahn
P.S. Towards the Single Market Act: The European Digital Media Association EDiMA, which represents the interests of the new media sector in European policy making, responded to the Commission consultation on the relaunch of the Single Market, underlining the Digital Single Market as one of the key priorities.
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