After the brief presentation of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), we looked at the ongoing public consultation on the draft BEREC medium term strategy outlook.
Relating to the Digital Agenda for Europe, in this blog post we turn to the BEREC Work Programme 2012 documents.
Board of Regulators
The conclusions of the BEREC Board of Regulators meeting in Bucharest (Romania) 8-9 December 2011 deal with the Work Programme for next year in point 7 (page 3). The conclusions after some editing:
7. Draft 2012 BEREC WP
Summary of the contributions received during the public consultation on the 2012 draft BEREC WP BoR (11) 61
Revised 2012 draft BEREC WP BoR (11) 62
Proposal for operationalisation of the BEREC WP 2012 – set-up of EWGs BoR (11) 63
The 2012 BEREC Chair (RTR) presented the results from the public consultation on the BEREC WP for 2012, held in the period 6 October - 4 November 2011, the revised draft WP and a proposal for operationalisation of the BEREC WP 2012, incl. the set-up of EWGs.
The BEREC 2012 WP and the consultation report were approved for publication and implementation.
If we concentrate on the main documents for the public, we have the draft Work Programme BoR (11) 40 Rev1 (October 2011; 16 pages).
After the public consultation from 6 October to 4 November 2011, including an oral hearing 21 October, BEREC published a report on the public consultation BoR (11) 61 (9 December 2011; 15 pages). The fifteen contributions are available also on the BEREC page for public consultations.
The final WP:
Work Programme 2012 BEREC Board of Regulators BoR (11) 62 (9 December 2011; 18 pages)
For the future BEREC could consider linking directly to the relevant documents in its conclusions.
I am going to look at the consultation summary and the final Work Programme 2012 in future blog posts.
Ralf Grahn
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