Thursday 18 February 2010

European Digital Agenda 2010-2015

In August 2009 the European Commission published the Communication:

Europe’s Digital Competitiveness Report - Main achievements of the i2010 strategy 2005-2009; Brussels, 4.8.2009 COM(2009) 390 final (12 pages).

The Commission concluded (page 9):

Therefore Europe needs a new digital agenda to meet the emerging challenges, to create a world beating infrastructure and unlock the potential of the internet as a driver of growth and the basis for open innovation, creativity and participation.

Citizens first: agenda

In the European Parliament, Pilar del Castillo Vera (Rapporteur) has prepared an own-initiative draft report dated 15 January 2010 for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE):

Draft report on defining a new Digital Agenda for Europe: from i2010 to (14 pages)

The procedure 2009/2225(INI) can be followed on Oeil, the Legislative Observatory of the European Parliament.

The EP report wants to inspire the Commission and the EU member states to concrete actions and results which benefit the citizens of the European Union (page 7):

The policy areas and enabling factors identified in this report form an overall ICT policy framework for the EU over the next five years that the rapporteur proposes to call ' agenda'. This renewed agenda can be graphically depicted as a virtuous spiral (see Annex). The core of the spiral is the person (both as citizen and as consumer). Each person should be empowered with the appropriate competences and ubiquitous and high-speed access. Citizens also need a clear legal framework that protects their rights and that provides them with the necessary trust and security. This is essential for citizens to enjoy the freedom to access without impediments digital services and content throughout the entire internal market ('fifth freedom'). Finally, knowledge and technologies are indispensable for supporting the competitiveness of our economy and a more prosperous society.

The proposed resolution lists a number of concrete actions to be taken (presented in an easy to read format in the Explanatory statement, from page 7).

Ralf Grahn

1 comment:

  1. On Sunday, the Commission closed the Debate Europe Internet forum, which had been open for over two years. Many of its users were deeply saddened by this event. This forum brought together EU citizens as routine posters, as well as users from around the world.

    What was cruel was that there was less than two weeks notice AND the forum closure event took place hours after the stated 28-2-09 closure. It was like they - at the Commission - was teasing the users!


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