Saturday 5 February 2011

Busy week in Brussels: EU politics and governance

With the General Affairs Council (GAC), the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) and the European Council, it was a busy week in Brussels politics. Here is a roundup of my main blog posts (often the second on the same theme, downstream) about the meetings and reflections on governance, including openness and transparency.

There are, in addition to fairly extensive references to documents, critical assessments of how the EU institutions work, as well as positive comments about praiseworthy efforts to get EU citizens on board.

Grahnlaw Suomi Finland: EU General Affairs Council 31 January 2011 (30 January 2011)

Grahnlaw Suomi Finland, in Swedish: Egypten anslöjar EU:s utrikespolitik (Utrikesrådet 31 januari 2011) (31 January 2011)

Grahnlaw Suomi Finland, in Finnish: EU:n yleisten asioiden neuvosto valmisteli Eurooppa-nevoston kokousta 4. helmikuuta 2011 (1 February 2011)

Grahnlaw Suomi Finland: Miracle of European Council conclusions (4 February 2011) (2 February 2011)

Grahnlaw Suomi Finland, in Swedish: EU-rådet mörkar samordningen av ekonomisk politik och budgetpolitik (3 February 2011)

Grahnlaw: European Semester and Annual Growth Survey: Governance by mushroom principle (3 February 2011)

Grahnlaw Suomi Finland: European Council 4 February 2011: Main issues (4 February 2011)

Grahnlaw Suomi Finland: European Council 4 February 2011: Energy (4 February 2011)

Grahnlaw Suomi Finland: European Council 4 February 2011: Eurozone solutions? (4 February 2011)

Eurooppaoikeus, in Finnish: Eurooppa 2030 -hanke: Haasteet ja mahdollisuudet (5 February 2011)

In future blog posts we return to the results of the meeting of the European Council 4 February 2011.

Ralf Grahn

P.S. The multilingual aggregator brings you the posts from 737 Euroblogs, part of an emerging European public online space. Keep up to date and improve your language skills!

P.S. 2: I am happy if you want to read my Euroblogs, which aim to discuss legal and political issues relevant to European enterprises, jobs, employers and employees, consumers and citizens, especially in cross-border situations. Internal market reform (Single Market Act) and the Europe 2020 strategy (EU2020 flagship initiatives) are going to be among the main themes, upstream on Grahnlaw (in English), Grahnblawg (in Swedish) and Eurooppaoikeus (in Finnish), as well as usually downstream on the trilingual Grahnlaw Suomi Finland. If you are interested in European business, politics or law, we can get acquainted on Facebook and on Twitter @RalfGrahn.

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