Saturday 11 June 2011

Blogging about EU radio spectrum, broadband deployment and Digital Agenda

Here is a round-up of my blog posts to date about EU radio spectrum policies, broadband deployment and the Digital Agenda for Europe, including the first entries concerning IT policies in Sweden, one of the most competitive information societies.

The first thematic Grahnlaw Suomi Finland blog post highlighted the Commission web pages on radio spectrum policy at European level – a useful source - and mentioned the proposed programme for strategic planning and harmonisation: EU radio spectrum policy programme (RSPP) (31 May 2011).

The Grahnblawg entry in Swedish 'EU: Sverige om radiofrekvenser och radiospektrumpolitik' (2 June 2011) offered a few viewpoints from the government of Sweden in relation with the meeting of the ministers responsible for telecommunications (TTE Council) 27 May 2011.

Also in Swedish, 'Radiospektrumpolitiken i EU:s telekområd den 27 maj 2011' (2 June 2011) on Grahnlaw Suomi Finland presented the conclusions of the TTE Council in English and offered a link to the Hungarian progress report in Swedish.

The Grahnlaw blog post 'EU Commission: Radio spectrum policy programme (RSPP) proposal' (3 June 2011) presented some general aims, as well as the provisions on the aim (Article 1) and the application and general regulatory principles (Article 2).

The Grahnlaw Suomi Finland blog entry 'EU radio spectrum policy aims (RSPP proposal)' (4 June 2011) offered a further presentation of the principal aims and policy objectives of the radio spectrum policy programme proposal.

Since radio spectrum is a finite resource, much in demand, the blog post on Eurooppaoikeus 'EU ja kilpailu radiotaajuuksista' (5 June 2011) highlighted the competition objectives of the Commission's RSPP proposal in Finnish.

Grahnlaw Suomi Finland continued the discussion in Finnish about the aims of the European Commission to accelerate the roll-out of high-speed (wireless) broadband in the European Union: EU: Radiotaajuudet ja langaton laajakaista (5 June 2011).

Grahnlaw guided to relevant RSPP sources, namely the English impact assessment and the summary of the IA, available in 22 official EU languages: EU radio spectrum impact assessment (6 June 2011).

Grahnlaw Suomi Finland presented the RSPP objectives, as stated in the summary of the impact assessment: Objectives and impact of EU radio spectrum proposal (7 June 2011).

Grahnblawg presented the RSPP impact assessment and summary in Swedish: Radiospektrumpolitiken i EU: Konsekvensanalysen (8 June 2011).

In Swedish, Grahnlaw Suomi Finland presented the initial response of the Swedish government to the RSPP proposal, cited the 2009 national Broadband strategy for Sweden and mentioned the recent progress reports: Bredband: Sverige om EU:s radiospektrumpolitik (9 June 2011).

Grahnlaw mentioned Sweden as an inspiring example for other EU member states with regard to both competitiveness and broadband roll-out. Without discarding the ongoing IT strategies for various issues, the Swedish government is working on an umbrella Digital agenda, modeled on the Digital Agenda for Europe: EU2020: Sweden from Broadband strategy to Digital agenda (10 June 2011).


Future blog posts will discuss the interplay between the EU institutions and some of the more competitive member states with regard to economic reform policies (Europe 2020 strategy), especially the Digital Agenda.

Ralf Grahn

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