response and feedback to Commission president Junckers' State of the
European Union (SOTEU) 2015 address, we turn to an assessment from
civil society, another from research and education, as well as the
political will of the European Parliament.
to the European Commission's SOTEU page for the full version in
English or French, or material available in other languages. Check
Twitter #SOTEU for old and possible new sources of interest.
the Europe of good will we have been waiting for a while, Franco
Chittolina concluded in a comment on Apiceuropa: Juncker e l'Europa della buona volontà. The Commission president spoke frankly,
repeatedly declaring: ”There is not enough Europe in this Union.
And there is not enough Union in this Union.”
clear and courageous message from the political Commission was
directed particularly at the scattered member states with little
sense of union and few references to the European founding values and
to its tradition of solidarity and reception.
a few days after Junckers' speech in Strasbourg, the meeting of the
EU home affairs ministers 14 September revealed the deep split among
the member states, but also with regard to the Commission and the
European Parliament.
with such incompetence from the states, Adriana Longoni fixed her
hope on growing numbers of welcoming citizens: La grande faglia dell'Europa.
year's State of the Union was entitled: Time for Honesty, Unity and
Solidarity. And the key concepts were: more Europe in the Union, and
more Union in Europe.
Willem Heringa, in the Maastricht blog article The First State of the Union of Juncker, found it appealing
that Juncker discussed the major issues, what the EU must stand for
and must try to achieve, and not the nitty gritty details, but the
broader perspectives.
problematic is how to get 28 member states to work in the common
interest, as well as how to involve EU citizens and national
interior ministers appeared
pretty empty-handed and
behind the curve, when they emerged from
their meeting 14 September 2015. Consequently
a new Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council has been called for 22
September to deal with a more equitable settlement of 120,000
refugees. And in anticipation of JHA failure, the members of the
European Council (EUCO) have been convened to an informal meeting the
next day.
it is easier to opine than to decide, but one week from Junckers'
State of the Union address the European Parliament urged the
Commission to show strong leadership (press release 16 September
encouraging resolution – adopted by 408 votes to 182, with 23
abstentions – is the contribution of the European Parliament to the
Commission's Work Programme (CWP) for 2016, to be adopted on the 27
October and to be presented and discussed in the Parliament on 29
October 2015.
European Parliament resolution of 16 September 2015 on the Commission
Work Programme 2016 (provisional
version P8_TA-PROV(2015)0323)
started by urging the European Commission to use its right of
initiative to its full extent in order to give the Union clear
leadership, and in particular to deliver the completion of the single
market together with the strategic roadmap for economic union,
political union and external action.
the Parliament welcomed the focus of the Commission on its ten
priorities and emphasised the need to promote the Community interest
and keeping the EU united and cohesive.
as an endorsement for the Commission, including its proposals
regarding refugees and migration, the resolution can be read as a
compilation of almost
all the noble
(and often
contradictory) aspirations at the European level.
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