Tuesday 23 May 2017

Denmark in EU theme collected

Here is a compilation of posts on my three Euroblogs regarding Denmark in the European Union.

Eurooppaoikeus (in Finnish)

Grahnblawg (in Swedish)

Grahnlaw (in English)

Grahnblawg (in Swedish)

Grahnlaw (in English)

Country-specific recommendation

Just after the blog series on Denmark, the European Commission presented its 2017 spring package, based on the National Reform Programme and the Convergence Programme, together with the Commission’s spring forecast 2017, but roughly a summary of the country report we discussed earlier:

Recommendation for a COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the 2017 National Reform Programme of Denmark and delivering a Council opinion on the 2017 Convergence Programme of Denmark; Brussels, 22.5.2017 COM(2017) 504 final

In the end, the Commission wants the Council to issue  one country-specific recommendation to Denmark: Foster competition in the domestically oriented services sector.

Ralf Grahn

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