Wednesday 16 April 2008

Consolidated EU Lisbon Treaty in 23 languages

The Council of the European Union has finally published the readable, consolidated Treaty of Lisbon in 23 treaty languages on its web site. Go to:

In a few days ten months would have passed from the European Council meeting, which decided to convene the intergovernmental conference (IGC 2007), ten long months without a readable version of the most important EC and EU document since 2004.

Finally, most of the EU’s 490 million citizens can read the treaty in their own language (or at least the official language of their country) as it is supposed to stand when it enters into force.

Based on consolidated versions Europeans can at least begin to (mis)understand each other on a common basis of facts.

Ralf Grahn

P.S. After checking the Official Journal this morning, I had to do other things than to continue chasing the promised consolidations. I got the above information from John Carroll of Semper Idem on his Irish Election blog, a post called 'Lisbon - The nuts and bolts', of 16 April 2008:

I am grateful to John Carroll for both his kind words and for the essential information on publication of the amending EU treaties.

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