Monday 28 April 2008

Reports and publications about the EU area of freedom, security and justice

Here are some suggestions for further reading on the EU area of freedom, security and justice (FSJ), by the way of an unsorted list of fairly recent publications:

Hugo Brady, of the Centre for European Reform, has written a blog post ‘The new politics of EU internal security’ (28 March 2008), where he calls for a more constructive working relationship between the member state governments and the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament:

A fairly recent CER entry on justice and home affairs is an article by Hugo Brady, published in the January – February 2008 issue of E!Sharp, ‘Wanted: an EU migration policy:

The CER Policy Briefing ‘EU migration policy: An A–Z’ by Hugo Brady is a more substantial treatment of the matter:

CEPS, the Centre for European Policy Studies, has some interesting recent papers on freedom, security and justice issues. Hasso Lieber has written ‘Checks and balances: Dividing the Directorate General for Justice, Freedom and Security in two – an Interior and a Justice branch’ (CEPS Policy brief No. 158, April 2008):

A 23 April 2008 CEPS Working Document by Florian Trauner and Imke Kruse is called ‘EC Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements: Implementing a New EU Security Approach in the Neighbourhood’:

‘The Other Side of the Moons – The Schengen Information System and Human rights: A Task for National Courts’ is a CEPS Working Document by Evelien Brouwer, published 14 April 2008:

Didier Bigo, Sergio Carrera and Elspeth Guild have authored ‘What Future for the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice? Recommendations on EU Migration and Borders Policies in a Globalising World’, CEPS Policy Brief, published 20 March 2008:

Anaïs Faure Atger has produced the Challenge Paper ‘The Abolition of Internal Border Checks in an Enlarged Schengen Area: Freedom of movement or a scattered web of security checks?’, published 20 March 2008:

Daniel Korski, of the European Council on Foreign Relations, comments on the external aspects of internal security in the article ‘Making Europe’s voice louder’, 19 April 2008:

Hanna Goeters wrote a substantial report on ‘New Criminal Law Developments in the Community Legal Order, published in February 2008 by the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (Sieps):

‘The Future of the Common European Asylum System: In Need of a More Comprehensive Burden-Sharing Approach’, by Eiko Thielemann, was published as a Sieps European Policy Analysis paper in January 2008:

In an Events Report of the European Policy Centre (EPC), Irene Khan, Secretary-General of Amnesty International, gives her view on ‘EU asylum policy in a securitised world’, published 28 April 2008:

Since external and internal aspect of security are inextricably linked, Antonio Missiroli’s European Policy Centre Policy Brief ‘Revisiting the European Security Strategy – beyond 2008’, published 23 April 2008, is relevant to the area of freedom, security and justice:

Statewatch runs the impressive European Monitoring & Documentation Centre on Justice and Home Affairs in the EU, with the latest news and documents added 23 April 2008. Some content requires a paid subscription, but much is freely available:

There are Statewatch Observatories on the policy areas concerned with EU freedom, security and justice issues, with a special focus on civil liberties:

The House of Lords European Union Committee report ‘The Treaty of Lisbon: an impact assessment, Volume I: Report’ (HL Paper 62-I, published 13 March 2008) discusses the area of freedom, security and justice at length (Chapter 6, pages 110 – 177).

The report is available at:

‘FRONTEX: the EU external borders agency’ is the 9th Report of Session 2007–08 by the House of Lords European Union Committee (HL Paper 60, published 5 March 2008):

The European Commission churns out a daunting amount of proposals and related press releases, as can be seen in the Newsroom of the Directorate General:

The home page of the Commissions Virtual Documentation Centre offers links to the different areas of EU justice and home affairs, including a consolidated list of the EU legislation in the area of freedom, security and justice (updated November 2007):

Ralf Grahn

Consolidated EU Treaties:

If you want to read or download the Council’s consolidated Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) as amended by the Lisbon Treaty, the original Treaty of Lisbon, the current TEU and TEC, the Draft Constitution, the Constitutional Treaty, or other consolidated language versions of the Lisbon Treaty TEU and TFEU, you find the needed information and links in the blawg post ‘Consolidated Treaty of Lisbon and other EU materials’ of 21 April 2008:


  1. I'm sorry for being off-topic, but do you know what is happening in Aaland today? I know they are debating the Treaty today, but will they also vote on it? Unfortunately I do not understand Swedish that's why I do not fully understand what their parliament website says.

  2. EU Law,

    Your question may be off topic, but interesting. I'll try to answer in a quick blog post.


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