Saturday 13 June 2009

Alain Lamassoure on the next challenges for the European Union

Euros du Village is an important provider of information, comment and analysis related to the European Union. In addition to the French web pages, they produce information in English (theEuros), German (dieEuros) and Italian (gliEuros). The Euros are well worth following.

This time, we recommend their French pages, where they have a long interview with Alain Lamassoure, a veteran of the European Parliament and EU politics. Lamassoure represents the French UMP (Sarkozy’s party) and the European People’s Party (EPP):

Alain Lamassoure : « Le front anti-Barroso n’existe que dans la tête de Daniel Cohn-Bendit »

Lamassoure presents partisan, but extremely well informed opinions on a host of themes, including:

• The European election campaign
• A grand coalition between the EPP and the Socialists (to be renamed ASDE) in the European Parliament
• The election of José Manuel Barroso as President of the European Commission
• The increasing homogeneity of the EPP group in the spirit of the founding fathers and the social market economy, when the UK Conservatives and the Czech ODS leave the EPP-ED
• The need for a real budget for the European Union and budgetary powers for the European Parliament
• The incredible lack of discussion about the (socialist) President of the European Council, even if the Lisbon Treaty might be in force in a few months time

Whatever you think about Lamassoure’s opinions, don’t miss the interview.

Ralf Grahn

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