Monday 16 October 2017

EMU progress references

After the blog entry Reflection paper on EMU future we take a look at what has happened regarding the  priority ‘a deeper and fairer economic and monetary union’  during the first half of the European Commission’s term in office.

In July 2017 the EPRS European Parliamentary Research Service published The European Commission at mid-term: State of play of President Juncker’s ten priorities (35 pages; available also in French), where the text on priority 5, A deeper and fairer economic and monetary union, on pages 17-19, offers a clear summary of developments.  

Since then, the European Parliament’s Legislative Train Schedule has been updated until the end of September 2017. It offers a general description of the EMU priority and a table with access to individual EMU proposals, including demands for legislation by the Parliament, explanatory text and further references. There is also a print/pdf version for each priority.

We are going to return to these EMU progress references at various times, perhaps you, too.


On Twitter you can find updates from the general EU reform discussion under the hashtag #FutureOfEurope, with #deepeningEMU dedicated to the creation of a more robust, resilient and democratic economic and monetary union.

Ralf Grahn

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