Saturday 4 September 2010

Bloggers in Europe: Join Day of Multilingual Blogging on 26 September 2010

The previous blog post mentioned the European Day of Languages, which is celebrated each 26 September.

Officially organised by the Council of Europe and the European Union, the purpose of the EDL is to inspire you to learn a foreign language.

Day of Multilingual Blogging

In this context the European Commission in the UK arranges a Day of Multilingual Blogging on 26 September 2010, as described by Antonia Mochan on the Euonym blog (Talking about the EU). The UK Representation is joined by the multilingual aggregator and individual Eurobloggers.

Languages for and as business

Besides being fun and enriching for your soul, languages are an important business, an advantage when you trade and crucial for landing EU jobs, Antonia Mochan tells her British compatriots. (The same goes for other EU countries.)

Facebook event page

On the event page on Facebook, 122 European bloggers have already signed up to participate in the pan-European Day of Multilingual Blogging, and 106 may be attending.

Join the event.

Here are a few suggestions:

Write a blog post in a foreign language, exchange entries with another blogger, invite a guest blogger, or write about the importance of learning languages and getting to know the history and culture of another country.

Why not tell about your experiences studying abroad (Erasmus) or as an intern?

Do you have other ideas? If so, you can post a comment.


The Twitter hashtag is #babel.

Besides tweeting about our blog entries, we can try to write a short message in another language (easier than a full blog post).

Yes, you can …

There are other things you can do as well. You can spread the news through social media and personal contacts, begin preparing your blog posts and start learning a new language.

Have you noticed that there is a multilingual blog aggregator, where you can find the posts from blogs related to EU affairs?

It is called, and it has grown to collect the entries by 662 Euroblogs. You can access the page with all the new posts or the front page selection, subscribe to RSS feeds for all posts or editors’ choices (front page), and subscribe to the daily or weekly newsletter.

Reading foreign language blogs offers you two benefits:

You become better informed about European affairs and you have fun learning languages.

In an integrating Europe, EU affairs become increasingly important, but most EU citizens admit that they should know more about the European Union. The Euroblogosphere covers a growing number of subjects and viewpoints, with increasing variety and depth. is a good place to start crossing national and linguistic borders without leaving your desk.

Ralf Grahn

P.S. Comments relevant to the topic discussed in each Grahnlaw blog post are most welcome. However, the number of spam comments has skyrocketed. This is the sad reason for comment moderation, so it may take a while before your valued comment appears.

It is easier to read and understand a language than to use it correctly. As Eurobloggers we could and should promote interaction among Europeans across borders and between linguistic communities. Grahnlaw has adopted a multilingual comment policy:

I do my best to read comments in Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish or Swedish, even if the Grahnlaw blog and my possible replies are in English.

In addition to Grahnlaw (in English), although in a lazy manner, I practice multilingual blogging by occasional posts on my Finnish blog Eurooppaoikeus and my Swedish blog Grahnblawg.

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