Thursday 16 September 2010

Spinelli Group for citizens’ EU launched

Yesterday a number of dedicated Europeans launched the Spinelli Group for a citizens’ Europe, federal and post-national. On the webpage you can read and sign the manifesto, which aims to accelerate the process of European integration in a world where each EU member state is small on its own.

You can also find the names of the group members, the vision and life work of Altiero Spinelli, an outline of future action and the network (people who have signed the manifesto).

Hopefully, the group and the network will become active initiators of discussion about the future of the European Union.

Pierre-Jean Verrando has welcomed the Spinelli Group in an article published in the webzine The New Federalist. The article exists in a French version on Le Taurillon and in German on Treffpunkt Europa.

Further reading:

The Wikipedia article on Altiero Spinelli offers an overview of his life Odyssey.

The Wikipedia article on the Crocodile Club tells us about Altiero Spinelli’s initiative in the first directly elected European Parliament.

On the IIEA blog Brendan Halligan published a post on Spinelli’s life: Altiero Spinelli: A Tribute (10 May 2010)

You can find different language versions of the Ventotene manifesto on

A few days ago a call to citizens was published on the blog of Mario Tudisco (in Italian): Caro amico ti scrivo / “We are the European People (13 September 2010)

John Pinder’s essay on Spinelli is a little bit longer (15 pages).

Ralf Grahn

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mr. Grahn for spreading the word. I sincerly hope that this initiative will relaunch the federalist efforts. With the help of politicians like Fischer and Delors I see the possibility of success - every project needs big names.

    Greetings from Maastricht,


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