Sunday 20 July 2008

Declan Ganley still short on specifics

The Sunday Tribune runs a story ”Ganley slams Sarkozy’s ‘arrogance’”:

The report is long on comment about the three minutes allotted to each of the sixteen organisations invited to the French Embassy to meet with president Nicolas Sarkozy.

According to the story, Declan Ganley would support a new European constitution “that is built on democracy, is legible and runs to no more than 20 to 25 pages that everyone can read”.

Ganley would insist on a reference to Europe’s Christian roots, but there are no other clarifications as to the required contents of this Constitution.

Ralf Grahn


  1. An Irish newspaper commentator wrote a very funny analysis some weeks ago comparing the present situation of the Irish to the five stages of grief: (i) denial (ii) anger (iii) bargaining (iv) depression and (v) acceptance.

    Behind all the bluster, the Irish, apart from a hard core of opposition to the EU on both the left and the right, know they have shot themselves in the foot. They are now grieving their situation and, being unable to stay in stage (i) i.e. that a negative vote would have no consequences, are at stage (ii), directing their bile at Sarkozy.

    The only reason that he is coming is that he has to. As President of the European Council, he cannot just sit on his hands. He has to move the process to the bargaining stage as quickly as he can as he is under pressure from other capitals even if the Irish government simply wishes to continue to stall.

    Stage (iv) will set in when the Irish realise that they have to vote again, when being the only real question. (The solution must on the pattern of the deal struck with the Danes after Maastricht, although I doubt that Ireland will seek to opt out of the euro).

    Stage (v) will have been reached when the second referendum is out of the way and the Irish have time to contemplate the debris (just as the Danes have spent the last 15 years doing).

    Bloggers who read French may wish to hear the voice of reason in the interview given by Jean-Claude Juncker in the Tageblatt of 29 June which, as he comes from another small country, did not get the attention it deserved, at

    As to Mr. Ganley, I suggest that less attention be paid to him. He has not explained how he could outspend all the other parties put together, nor could he be required to do so as the relevant Irish legislation cannot compel him. (This situation suits all the political parties and they, and the electors who elect them, have only themselves to blame as far as Mr. Ganley is concerned).

  2. Anonymous,

    Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

    With regard to Declan Ganley you may notice that I had just posted a new post on his proposed new party.

    Even after your comment I think that he should face hard questions and close scrutiny, like others in the political arena.

    I have to admit that my mood changes at times. Once in a while I can feel sorry for Brian Cowen's government.

    It is in the unenviable position, I guess, that it can choose to lose a second referendum in the spring or in the autumn.

    It would like to keep Ireland in the EU, but it understands the political unreasonbleness of chaining the rest of the member states to the Nice Treaty.

    Could this be called a lose-lose situation?

    Governing an ungovernable country is no bed of roses.


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