Saturday 5 December 2009

EU Council: Energy 7 December 2009

Energy issues are on the provisional agenda of the EU Council configuration Transport, telecommunications and energy on Monday, 7 December 2009. The meeting is divided between public legislative deliberations and non-legislative activities.

Legislative deliberations in public

With the Lisbon Treaty, the Council takes a step towards acting as a legislative chamber. Article 16(8) of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) lays down the following basic rule:

Article 16(8) TEU

8. The Council shall meet in public when it deliberates and votes on a draft legislative act. To this end, each Council meeting shall be divided into two parts, dealing respectively with deliberations on Union legislative acts and non-legislative activities.

Press conferences and public events can be followed by video streaming.

Energy Council information

On the Swedish EU Council presidency web page Energy Council, there are various news items on the upcoming meeting and energy issues.

The Council’s Press Office has published a detailed background note, with references to key documents as regards the public deliberations (9 pages).

Swedish government information

The Swedish government has prepared an agenda with comments for the Energy Council, including the main positions taken by Sweden: Kommenterad dagordning rådsmötet TTE 7 december 2009 (10 pages).

Danish government and parliament information
Best practice?

The Europe Committee (Europaudvalget) of the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) has, as usual, an impressive amount of well sorted documents on its web page relating to the Council meeting, in this case the 2983th, sorted issue by issue with EU documents, government papers and parliamentary documents: 2983 – transport, tele og energi Rådsmøde nr. 2983.

The different documents concerning each point on the agenda are easily accessible under the same heading.

Recommended reading for EU institutions, national governments and parliaments, as well as for the European movements in the member states to push for. Why not strive for best practice?

Ralf Grahn

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