Saturday 19 December 2009

Single Market News 2009-4 on line

The European Commission’s quarterly publication Single Market News No 56 – 2009-4 is on line, with the following contents on developments in the internal market:


News in Brief

Services Directive hits the finishing line

Interview with Commissioner Charlie McCreevy

First Single Market Award goes to a Portuguese citizen

Derivatives: What are we dealing with?

Seconded National Experts in DG MARKT: real assets part 2

What is Europe’s answer to Google Books?

Getting better access to business information

John Monks visits DG MARKT

Banks will help you switch bank accounts

Setting end-dates for Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

Simplified procedures for claiming cross-border withholding tax relief

For your diary

Infringements related to the Single Market

Ralf Grahn

P.S. Read why the engaged, but critical European Julien Frisch recommends, the multilingual aggregator of euroblogs (18 December 2009).


  1. All articles in pdf format only!

    How incredibly incapable. They do realise we changed millenia almost a decade ago, don't they?

    Why are the DGs of the EC so incredibly inept at web publishing?

  2. Anonymous,

    I must be as incapable and behind the curve as the DGs of the Commission, but I happen to like pdf documents.

    On the other hand, I am ready to learn a new trick or two, if someone gives me good reasons.

    Why don't you try?


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