Friday 4 November 2011

Eurozone: Calling Athens...

We continue to explore the euroblogs through the multilingual aggregator After possible exitus letalis, more Greek dra(ch)ma, evaporating marble(s) and the need for democratic and robust government at European level, we turn to new entries about the crisis in the eurozone.

Losing appeal?

Is the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) worth its triple-A rating, asks Gli Euros (in Italian).

USA in G20

Pierre Buhler on Telos greeted the G20 leaders to Cannes by reminding us of the partisan warfare concerning the federal deficit and debt in the USA, as well as the underlying lack of competitiveness in the real economy. The indebted US projects less power globally (in French).

Calling Athens...

The Open Europe blog wondered who is actually running Greece, given the conflicting signals, which the blog followed at different times during the day.

Few options for Europe on the Greek vote, says Don Melvin, since the mere existence of the referendum on the horizon will keep uncertainty high in the markets.

Martin Nangle writes that Greece must not be coerced into a resentful position to save Brussels pride. Brussels should acknowledge that the mood of citizens is fast shifting towards direct action, social unrest and possibly revolution.

According to Hara Kouki and Antonis Vradis the Greek people are left with absolutely nothing to hope for from the mainstream political scene. After exemplifying growing misery, the authors highlight grassroots refusal to put up with austerity, which is quickly gaining momentum. In other words, civil disobedience on the rise.

Papandreou seems to have at least the Spanish socialist Carlos Carnero in his corner, with a link to the letter of the Greek PM presented in (both in Spanish).

Greece and eurosphere

Erkan's Field Diary dedicates one of his judicious roundup posts to the deepening Greek crisis and the broader eurosphere.

Ralf Grahn

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