Sunday 19 April 2009

European Union: Organised civil society programme

The advisory European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) consists of representatives of organised civil society, and the provisions are found in Articles 257 to 262 of the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC).

The EESC (or ESC) has adopted and launched A Programme for Europe: proposals of civil society.

On 40 pages the organised interest groups of European society have defined their views on the economic recovery and the upcoming European elections.

The EESC hopes to contribute to the development of an inclusive and mutually supportive European model, which must lead to stronger coordination between economic and political rules based on cooperation and integration strategies.

Participatory democracy

The EESC sees participatory dialogue as a complement to representative democracy. The Committee – not surprisingly – emphasises the role of representative civil society, and it proposes an institutional platform for civil dialogue as a contribution to its development.

The EESC does not propose reforms with regard to EU level representative democracy.

Ralf Grahn

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