Friday 2 October 2009

Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD)

As we noted about the political groups in the European Parliament and in parallel with the anti-EU European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), the new home for Europhobes, the Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) group is practically inexistent on the web.

According to the Wikipedia article on the EFD, the group has 32 seats in the European Parliament.

These hard line nationalists and/or religious arch-conservatives represent a motley collection of parties from the outer fringes of their countries: Dansk Folkeparti (Denmark), the True Finns (Finland), the Mouvement pour la France (which campaigned under the Libertas banner in France), the Popular Orthodox Rally LAOS (Greece), the separatist Lega Nord (Italy), the Lithuanian Order and Justice, the protestant Dutch Reformed Political Party, the ultra-nationalistic Slovak National Party and the secessionist United Kingdom Independence Party UKIP.

UKIP with 13 members of the European Parliament and the Lega Nord with 9 MEPs are the biggest parties within the EFD group. The rest have one or two representatives each.

Nigel Farage (UKIP) and Francesco Speroni (Lega Nord) chair the EDF group.


It is highly surprising that an official political group in the European Parliament is absent from the world wide web.

Ralf Grahn


  1. I don't fully uderstand it, but there are practical issues for both the CER and the EFD.

    The staff contracts only came live on October 1st. As new Groups they did not have the resources until yesterday to commission work. I should know. I have yet to see my contract.

    Yes a holding website should be availbale, but the fully fledged version would be nigh on impossible - also in our case we are concentrating our web expertiese on helping

  2. Gawain,

    I am sorry if you have encountered problems, but speaking about the EFD group and the ECR, isn't some sort of web presence something a savvy teenager would accomplish in half an hour?


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