Friday, 2 October 2009

Where are the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR)?

In a blog post Wednesday 30 September 2009 I noted that the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) political group in the European Parliament seems to have no web site accessible from the EP’s start page, almost four months after the European elections.

Jon Worth has turned up with the same result with regard to the ECR Group (2 October 2009) after some web search of his own.


As I noted, the same lack of existence haunts the political group of Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD).

I checked again on the EP’s home page a few moments ago. Neither the ECR nor the EFD link leads anywhere.

These anti-EU and Europhobe groups have had time and they have enough resources to produce at least some web presence in the European Parliament, so the reasons must lie elsewhere.

Are they that incompetent?

Are their hard nationalistic platforms mutually exclusive?

Are they convinced of their irrelevance in European politics?

Do they find their supporters that undeserving of communications about their efforts in the European Union?

Their ideas may belong in the XIX century, but does it have to comprise their web presence?

Ralf Grahn

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