Wednesday 29 October 2008

Public procurement in Finland

Public information in Finland is available by law in Finnish and (to a lesser degree) in Swedish. But increasingly government information can be found in English for practical reasons.

For international companies and their advisors there is an unofficial English translation of the Finnish Act on Public Contracts (348/2007), based on Directive 2004/18/EC, available at:


The official versions are in Finnish and Swedish.

Finnish: Laki julkisista hankinnoista (348/2007):

Swedish: Lag om offentlig upphandling (348/2007):


The Government Bill, leading to the Act on Public Contracts, in Finnish ‘Hallituksen esitys Eduskunnalle laeiksi julkisista hankinnoista sekä vesi- ja energiahuollon, liikenteen ja postipalvelujen alalla toimivien yksiköiden hankinnoista (HE 50/2006 vp) and in Swedish ‘Regeringens proposition till Riksdagen med förslag till lag om offentlig upphandling och lag om upphandling inom sektorerna vatten, energi, transporter och posttjänster (RP 50/2006 rd), is accessible at:


The Act, based upon the Utilities Directive 2004/17/EC, ‘Laki vesi- ja energiahuollon, liikenteen ja postipalvelujen alalla toimivien yksiköiden hankinnoista’ (349/2007) is available only in the official Finnish and Swedish versions.

Here in Finnish:

’Lag om upphandling inom sektorerna vatten, energi, transporter och posttjänster’ (349/2007) in Swedish:


The advisory website offers brief information in English at:;161;122591


Tenders are announced in Finnish and Swedish on HILMA:


The Ministry of Employment and the Economy offers additional information about tender procedures in English at:

The Ministry pages contain: Latest updates on Public procurement, Legislation (public procurement), Government institutions (Public procurement), Advice on public contracts, Publication on contracts, Thresholds, Case law (Public procurement), Special sectors (Public procurement) and Further information and links (Public procurement).

Ralf Grahn

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