Wednesday 20 May 2009

European elections: Verhofstadt or Barroso?

On the web pages of the Union of European Federalists (UEF) Guido Montani writes Who is my candidate? (19 May 2009).

After discussing the post of the President of the Commission, Montani concludes:

“We can say something more. Verhofstadt is in favour of the United States of Europe. He is in favour of a federal budget, a federal foreign policy and the removal of the veto right. A public debate, in the European Parliament, on the choice of the President of the European Commission is also a debate on the federalist future of the European Union. Therefore, I have no doubt. If there is the possibility to choose between Barroso and Verhofstadt, I choose Verhofstadt and at the next European election I will vote for a European party supporting Verhosfstadt as the next President of the European Commission.”


Guy Verhofstadt

Here is Wikipedia’s article on three times Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt (last modified 10 May 2009).


“It’s your choice”

We citizens of the European Union have been told about the European elections that our votes matter and that the kind of Europe we want is our choice.

In my view, Guy Verhofstadt is the most credible candidate put forward to date as an alternative to José Manuel Barroso.

Heads of state or government may have trumpeted their preferences long before they listened to our voices or counted our votes, but political parties, MEP candidates and EU citizens are not bound by their deals.

What we need now is clear information about the possibilities to vote for parties or candidates who support Verhofstadt.

Please, comment in order to give citizens a choice.

Ralf Grahn

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