Sunday 1 November 2009

Ministers who Euroblog

One of the Euroblog categories on is Governments, where we find the following actively updated ministerial blogs: Carl Bildt (SE), Bendt Bendtsen, David Miliband, EU Minister’s Blog (Cecilia Malmström), Alex Stubb blogi (FI) and Turkov čas-opis.

Carl Bildt

Carl Bildt, centre-right foreign minister of Sweden (former party leader and prime minister), is an active blogger of long standing. Since he became foreign minister, he has blogged frequently about his activities in Swedish, on Alla Dessa Dagar, where he describes his daily travels and travails almost live. One or two short daily posts seem to be the norm, and he attracts a fair amount of comment. Bildt’s blog has recorded nearly five and a half million hits.

Bendt Bendtsen

Bendt Bendtsen is a Danish former leader of the Conservative People’s Party and minister of trade and industry until 2008. Since the June 2009 European elections, Bendtsen is a member of the European Parliament, where he sits in the political group of the European People’s Party (EPP). As such, he would belong to the category MEPs / MPs / Political parties.

By the looks of it, Bendtsen posts daily updates, practically. However, there seems to be a contradiction. If you click on the URL to Bendtsen’s blog, his latest personal posts seem to be from 13 and 6 June 2008. If you cklick on the Bendt Bendtsen name, you arrive at web pages frequently updated, but they contain press releases from the Danish Conservative Party, by different people in the party leadership. – This is something for the editors to look into.

David Miliband

UK foreign secretary David Miliband (Labour) has been in the headlines lately, because he criticised the Conservative Party’s defection from the EPP group and their dubious alliances within the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group in the European Parliament, because a European mainstream speech is such a rarity if it comes from a leading British politician, and because a number of EU member states see him as the prime choice for high representative, especially if the post is going to be filled by a socialist or social democrat.

David Miliband’s blog is more official than personal, hosted by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). The style of the blog is to present short posts on topical questions.

Cecilia Malmström

The Swedish minister for European affairs and former liberal MEP Cecilia Malmström keeps the EU Minister’s Blog as part of the Swedish government’s presidency of the Council of the European Union. The blog is but one part of Sweden’s total presidency information effort, the best to date.

Alex Stubb

Alex Stubb served as a MEP, when he was called on to become foreign minister of Finland. The new office did not stop Stubb from blogging. Alex Stubb blogi receives about one daily update in Finnish, mainly on the work and meetings, and the posts receive a fair amount of comments from his readers.

Ziga Turk

As far as I can see, professor Ziga Turk is member of the Reflection group on the European Union, headed by Felipe Gonzalez, and he is a former government minister for growth in Slovenia. He writes the Turkov čas-opis blog, which is updated with some frequency. – However, he seems to be in the wrong category on at the moment.

Ralf Grahn

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